Scoboco was rolling with Jonathan and Claire last Sunday when the need for a sweet treat hit us like a... well, like the need for a sweet treat. Earlier in the afternoon the kids had gone to—and really enjoyed, though Co thought it "scary"—Call Me Elizabeth at the IFC Center (part of the New York International Children's Film Festival), and we all had just polished off a five-pack of paolitos at the under-appreciated Puff and Pao on Christopher and Bleecker. So although there are any number of solid dessert choices in that general vicinity (Chocolate Bar, Lilac and Cones came to mind), I suggested Milk and Cookies, an almost-too-cute little cafe/bakery on Commerce Street, just west of 7th Avenue South. I had been—and been disappointed—a couple times before, with Debbie, but that was at least a year ago, and Bo and Co were eager to check it out (not surprising: after all, it
is called Milk and Cookies), so I figured what the heck.

I wish this place were better. They have a terrific selection of cookies (13 standard choices) and other baked goods. If you're willing to wait, you can even customize your own dozen (choose a base—vanilla, sugar, chocolate, oatmeal, etc.—and two of some 25 fillings), and they'll bake it for you right then and there. And the place is extremely (little) kid-friendly, with chalk-board table tops and games to play and balloons to blow up and bounce around and books to read.... it's all very warm and inviting, but, honestly, the cookies really just aren't that good. We had about eight different kinds and to varying degrees they were all surprisingly bland (or, at least, very one-note, and that note was "sweet"); too cakey and dry. My favorite by far was the Oatmeal Butterscotch, but even that wouldn't be worth a special trip. Except...

Except that Bo, Co and Claire LOVED the place, which we had entirely to ourselves, and they spread out and got super silly and happily munched their cookies and drank their milk and felt like they had found someplace really special. So: friendly, fun and a guaranteed kid-pleaser? Absolutely, yes. Tasty sweet treats? Unfortunately, no.
Labels: food, sweet treats, the village, west village
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