Given its size (110 feet tall) and location (the museum's huge central room), there's really no danger that you'd
miss Dan Perjovschi's thoroughly engaging visual rant What Happened to Us?, but just in case...

If you're going to the MoMA to see the Richard Serra show (and you should... and I mean, like, today), you definitely also want to spend some time gawking up at this spectacular exhibition of mostly clever, mostly political cartoons that cover an entire wall in the soaring Donald B. and Catherine C. Marron Atrium. Perjovschi's of-the-moment themes here include American hegemony, the culture of greed, the abuses of capitalism, war-for-oil, art-for-money, and consumption junkies.

And because of its scale, there's something very serendipitous about the viewing experience— Bo, Co and I had a blast pointing out our favorites to each other, and then went up to see it through the wall's cutouts, and from the stairway on the opposite side.

Dan Perjovschi's What Happened to Us? will be on display at the Museum of Modern Art through August 27.
Labels: art, museums
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