A dad and his daughters, loving life in New York City

Sunday, December 24

It's a Wonderful Life at the IFC Center

I've seen It's a Wonderful Life more times than any other movie in my life. Remember when no one owned the rights to Frank Capra's classic, so it was on TV several times a night on multiple channels for at least the two weeks before Christmas? It seemed like every time I came home during the holidays, no matter how late, I could catch at least a big chunk of George Bailey's tortured journey toward learning to accept himself for who he is, and be grateful for all the great gifts in his life. Conservatively, then, let's say I've sat through the entire film 50 times.

Anyway, I took Bo and Co last night to the IFC Center for their first ever viewing, and they absolutely loved it, even more than I would have thought. It felt so good for me to have them so mesmerized by the Baileys' ups and downs and ups, and to hear them laugh at all the same parts that always amuse me, and to see them try to hide their tears at the end. We spent the entire trip back uptown reliving our favorite (and least favorite) moments, and they were totally impressed that I had virtually all the dialogue memorized.

And so a Scoboco holiday tradition is born.

It's a Wonderful Life is playing I think until December 29. Times are listed here for screenings through Tuesday... and if you can see it those super-plush seats in theater #3, all the better.



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