what i would do this weekend...
...if i could be three places at once.
the new harry potter. we got our tickets on tuesday for a saturday late afternoon show. yes, that may a little extreme in the planning department, but friday night's shows at the regal in union square were all sold out as of thursday afternoon...
weird perfor

bodyvox does "civilization unplugged" at the joyce theater. i can't say i know too much about this, except it looks cool and high-energy and multi-media and there's one dance in which the audience uses their cell phones. UPDATE: this got a terrible review in the times today.
cut and paste design competition. finally! graphic designers get their own "iron chef"! yup, the eight carefully selected contestants go head to head with 15 minutes to come up with a design that "best exemplifies a theme, with the materials and tools provided," both on G5s and "analog" supplies like sharpies, fabric and "found objects." this is an elimination tournament going on saturday night the 19th at 10pm down in tribeca. to me? sounds goofy and filled with loud (heckling?) spectators and totally fun. (ps: dglass would have kicked some serious design-y ass in this sucker. next year, babe. just wait till next year.)
sights and ice and cheese. another thing i'd like to do this sunny weekend but

also still-to-be-done: ps1, calatrava at the met, and canstruction (ends saturday!)... man it's great to live in this town.
but if you don't feel like going out, you could always stay home and stare at these all weekend! (thanks mug.)
Too bad I'll be out of town that weekend...whichever weekend that is.
11:22 AM, November 18, 2005
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