andy borowitz at mo's
on monday dglass and i were invited out to see some comedy... specifically: the andy borowitz show, upstairs at mo pitkin's (on avenue a and i think 2nd street). we didn't know what to expect--neither one of us was familiar with the guy--but our friends were fans, and it was only $6, and i was curious about the shows at mo's, so why not, right?

so, yeah, it was totally, totally hilarious. it's so rare that we go to comedy shows--the concept always seems kind of cheesy to me, or something--so i forget how much fun it can be. when borowitz came out i sort of recognized him (i guess he's cnn's official political humorist, and he's got this website where you sign up for a daily "news" e-column), but either way, he cracked us up. and his three guest-comedians were great, too, especially the two men. each did a stand-up routine for about 5 - 10 minutes or so, with borowitz emceeing, and all of us laughed a lot.
the place seats 60 (it was totally packed for borowitz, but you can buy tickets online), it's reasonably comfy, there's drinks and food, and, like i said, it was only six bucks (and a can of dr. brown's black cherry? only $2!). the borowitz show returns on feb 27.
Labels: comedy, performance
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