another HUGE night for scoboco! in what had to be the most high-energy, the most raucous,
the absolute smiley-est dance performance of the season, co's fourth grade teamed up with the national dance institute for a one-night-only presentation of a midsummer night's dream.

once a week since last fall three ndi teachers--a music director, a choreographer, and arthur, their leader--have worked with co and her classmates on this broad interpretation of shakespeare's comedy. the hour-long show was highlighted by the enthusiastic "dance of titania and her fairies," set in the forest and
featuring a pack of kindergarteners as wild animals; a very meta number in which shakespeare himself (or, in this case,
herself) makes an appearance and the kids run through some famous quotes from the entire canon; and a gorgeous finale, with
all the kids singing a musical version of the "if we shadows" speech that ends the play. the music was lively, the children beautiful and beaming, the audience roaring with cheers.

it filled me with such joy to see you so happy up there, co-beanie, and i love you very much.

Labels: dance, family, performance
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