Happy 10th Birthday Co!

Ten years ago today my beautiful daughter Co was born (that's her at about six months, and, below, on her first birthday), part two of the best thing that has ever happened in my life. So how do I feel, now that I have TWO double-digit daughters?
I feel excited and a little nervous for them as they begin new chapters in their lives: Bo into 7th grade and a new school, Co into 5th grade, and all the social pressures that really kick in for girls at that age (see the wonderful Odd Girl Out for more on that).
I feel unbelievably grateful that I can be an involved and active part of their lives, both emotionally and just by my physical presence.

I feel proud to have two such courageous, friendly, well-balanced, smart, funny, warm, chatty, energetic, curious, strong, creative, adventurous girls.
Mostly, though, what I feel is love, deep and unwavering, the kind that will never go away.
I feel like a father.
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